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Maine Grouse Hunts - Spaulding Lake Outfitters

Maine Grouse Hunts - Spaulding Lake Outfitters

Northern Maine is well known for our grouse hunting.  Our thick cover, and miles of logging roads sustain a substantial number of roughed grouse and woodcock, making Northern Maine an ideal upland bird hunting area.

Spaulding Lake Outfitters is located in T8R6, Maine at Umcolcus Sporting Camps, which is in the east coast flyway for migratory birds.  In the surrounding area of the lodge, there are numerous agricultural fields that migratory birds find quite inviting.

There are many remote ponds and lakes that hold numerous amounts of ducks.

Please visit our other website for more information: 

Contact: Byron "Chuck" & Lisa Charles 




Upland Hunting Packages

Upland Hunting Packages

Please see our Umcolcus Sporting Camps website for information.

Contact: Byron "Chuck" & Lisa Charles 




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